Building a healthy online ecosystem for the next generation of Sahelian internet users

The Bamako Forum on Digital and Social Cohesion is a space for collaboration and innovation to advance digital and social cohesion in West Africa. Bringing together stakeholders from across diverse sectors, the Forum will enable greater contributions to policies from academics and practitioners not often consulted in decision-making processes. 

Coordination Committee members

  • Association of Bloggers of Mali (ABM)
  • Association of Online Press (APPEL)
  • Center for Development Studies in Africa (CEDA-MALI)
  • Citizen Observatory On Governance and Security (OCGS)
  • Doniblog
  • Ecole de maintien de la paix (EMP)
  • Educ For Peace
  • National Center for Strategic Studies (CES)
  • Search for Common Ground
  • SoDEC Laboratory (Society, Development, Education, Culture)
  • Tilwate Network for Peace
  • Timbuktu Center for Strategic Studies
  • University of Arts and Humanities of Bamako (ULSHB)
  • University of Law and Political Science of Bamako (USJPB)

Sign up for email updates

We are always looking for new members dedicated to promoting social cohesion in the Sahel to join our group. If you would like to join our mailing list, please fill out this form: