Launch Event

Join Search for Common Ground, in partnership with the Coordinating Committee of the Bamako Forum, for the official launch of the Bamako Forum to be held on September 19th & 20th in Bamako, Mali. This two-day event will bring together civil society, researchers, policymakers, and tech and social cohesion experts to share their experiences and create space for discussions and collaboration across sectors.

Watch the launch of the Bamako Forum and take part in the two day conference by registering for the live stream via this zoom link. English and French translation will be provided.

Past Events

Conference Debate: Social Media and Personal Data Protection in the Era of Digitalization of Malian Society

This half-day event explored the links between digitalization, social media, mis/disinformation, conflict, and peace as part of the Forum. Bringing together experts, academics, civil society actors, and policy makers, the conference focused on the protection and safe collection of personal data, offering insights into the current landscape in addition to recommendations for best practices and legal/political frameworks.

Bamako Forum on Digital and Social Cohesion
Official Launch



September 19, 2023 [8 a.m. to 4 p.m.]

08:00-08:30 – Welcome installation of participants

08:30-09:00 – Welcome installation of officials (set up completed)

 09:00-09:30 – Opening ceremony of the Forum

  • Colonel Souleymane Sangaré, Director General, Peacekeeping School (EMP)
  • Charline Burton, Executive Director, Search for Common Ground
  • Olivia Tchamba, Public Policy Manager for French-speaking Africa, Meta
  • Rachna S. Korhonen, Ambassador of the United States of America to Mali
  • Alhamdou Ag ILYENE, Minister of Communication, Digital Economy and Modernization of Administration

09:30-10:00 – Coffee break and PhotoFamily

10:00-11:00 – Presentation

  • General Satigui Moro Sidibé, Director General, Center for Strategic Studies (CES)
    • Ongoing initiatives on Digital and Peacebuilding at Search for Common Ground
    • Bamako Forum on Digital and Social Cohesion.

11:00-11:45 – Panel 1

Exploration of the Effects and Implications of Digitalization onCohesion Social, Conflict and Peace Dynamics in the Malian Context

Moderator: Fatima Al Ansar, Directrice Executive, Tilwate Network for Peace

  • Dr. Mahamadou Aly Haidara, Expert, Director of Legal Affairs, Litigation and Cooperation at APDP:
    • General context on digital technology in Mali: current dynamics and legislative framework
  • Dr. Fatoumata Fofana, Teacher Researcher, School Higher in Journalism and Communication Sciences (ESJSC):
    • Violent extremism and social networks in Mali: perception of the families of soldiers deployed at the front
  • Modibo Fofana, CALL – Mali:
    • Digital evolution and emergence of a new type of media, the online press: challenges and perspectives
  • Awa Chouaibou Traoré, New Horizon:
    • Impact of digital developments on traditional journalism

11:45-13:00 – Q&A and exchange with the public

13:00-14:00 – Dhave lunch

14:00-14:45 – Panel 2

AndDigital Change and Social Cohesion: Impacts on Youth, Women and Religious Actors

Moderator: Habibou Bako, Advocacy Officer, Search for Common Ground

  • Abdoulaye Guindom, Doniblog
    • Digitalization and social cohesion in Mali: context, current initiative, opportunities and challenges
  • Dr. A.S. Youssouf Karembe, The Best of Youssouf Karembe, National Institute of Youth and Sports
    • Impact of digitalization on young people: opportunities and challenges for social cohesion
  • Tariba Traoré, Network of Influencers for the Promotion of Peace (RIPP), Mali English Clubs’ Council (MECC)
    • Impact of digitalization on young women: opportunities and challenges for social cohesion
  • Alhousseine Traoré, Islam Population and Development Network (RIPOD)
    • Impact of digitalization on religious actors: opportunities and challenges for social cohesion

14:45-15:45 – Q&A and exchange with the public

15:45-16:00 – Coffee break


September 20, 2023 [9 a.m. to 2 p.m.]

09:00-09:15 – Welcome and installation of participants

09:15-10:00 – Panel 3

Shaping the Future and Peace in the Sahel: Digitalization, Social Networks and Artificial Intelligence

Moderator: Christian Cirhigiri, Advocacy Officer, Search for Common Ground

  • Dr. A.S. Hamidou Togo, APDP
    • Risks and opportunities for peace and social cohesion linked to the use of social networks in Mali
  • Adam Dicko,Youth Association for Active Citizenship and Democracy
    • Role of local communities and young people (men and women) in shaping peace through digital technology
  • Zégué known as Moussa DIARRA, Millennium Technologies
    • Artificial Intelligence and scientific research: Shaping the future and social cohesion in Mali
  • Ousmane BenAbdourhamaneDicko, Network of Influencers for the Promotion of Peace (RIPP)
    • The future of peace in the Sahel: effective and responsible use of social networks in Mali and the Sahel
  • Tchengang Tchiengue Loris Donald, Digital Project Coordinator, Civic Watch

10:00-11:00 – Q&A and exchange with the public

11:00-11:15 – Coffee break

11:15-13:00 – Formulation of principles and recommendations resulting from the Forum, Closing

13:00-14:00 – Lunch