In collaboration with Search for Common Ground’s Global Policy and Outreach team, the Forum will craft policy papers and issue briefs to identify key conflict dynamics, gaps in current response, and recommendations for international, regional, national, and local policy audiences.

Find below the latest from our policy team:

Statement for Responsible Digital Policies – Third edition of the Bamako Forum on Digital and Social Cohesion

Bamako Forum partners, academics and policymakers from across the Sahel met on November 25th-26th, 2024, to discuss the opportunities and struggles with social cohesion in the region. We are pleased to share here their continued recommendations for unity and collaboration on digital peacebuilding.

Sahelian Women in Digital Spaces – Tilwate Peace Network

The Tilwate Peace Network, a member of our Bamako Forum on Digital and Social Cohesion coordination committee, has produced a research paper on Sahelian Women in Digital Spaces. This research highlights the challenges and opportunities these women face in the digital landscape, providing valuable insights for policymakers, tech companies, civil society organizations, and educational institutions. Attached is the full report.

The Bamako Declaration on Digital and Social Cohesion

We are happy to share with you the declaration that came out of the forum discussions on Sept. 19th-20th, 2023. Attached is the full text of the declaration. We encourage you to share this statement with your networks and continue to promote the values of social cohesion and digital inclusion.